I genuinely wish that I could relive this gorgeous evening with one of my dearest friends from high school. Taking a fashion and textiles class with 12 other girls and one brilliant seamstress for a teacher, little did I know that I would make some great friendships and lasting memories. So, my girl, Sydney, asked me one day out of the blue if I take photography because she needed some head shots for a modeling agency. Straight away I told her that I definitely do, and that I would try to do a portrait session for her. We came up with the 'city vibe' photo shoot because I felt that would best match her style, and boy did it. I am in awe of the way these moments of time were beautifully paused for her to share. It was a blessing to catch up with her about life and what we were up to now, and I am so glad she gave me this opportunity.
Best friend? Check. Sunflower field? Check. Quick photo shoot? Check! Who doesn't love a field of flowers? Especially gigantic gold flowers of sunshine. I knew this would be the perfect outing to escape the house, teaming up with my friend Melissa and my other best friend, my sister, Savanna. Only one dollar and each of us went on a search to find the best looking stalk of yellow in the place. Guess who found the heaviest of them all? Savanna — I don't know how — cut the biggest one that day. We even all took turns holding it. This one shown above, easily masking Savanna's face, is the one — in all its shining glory.
I also snapped a few smiles of Melissa while we were there because the experience was just so fun. She just radiates that same golden happiness of the sunflowers. I love her and I love this day!